Sunday, November 13, 2011

Healthy Kids' Recipe with Vitamin C

!±8± Healthy Kids' Recipe with Vitamin C

Healthy Kids recipes should always include foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin C is especially important for children. The good thing about Vitamin C is that it is present in a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Children need a daily intake of Vitamin C because it is important for maintaining a healthy immune system. Among the many benefits of Vitamin C for children is that it acts as a powerful anti-oxidant as well as an anti-inflammatory agent that prevents oxygen-based damage to the cells

Children can get their daily dose of Vitamin C by consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fruit is a delicious food with wonderful colors and textures that appeal to children. Fruit is one of the easiest healthy foods to get kids to eat.

Fruits as well as vegetables are vital for the health and well being of children. Raw fruits are preferred because of their high fiber and water content. But frozen fruits and vegetables are still a viable source of Vitamin C that can be an alternative to fresh vegetables.

Vitamin C has to be consumed daily because the body does not store Vitamin C. Pediatricians recommend that children should consume at least 30 - 45 mg. of vitamin C per day. This is the minimum requirement. Parents should check with their own Pediatrician to confirm the requirement or special needs for their children. Children with asthma or other health problems may require a higher consumption of Vitamin C.

Some nutritionist recommends a daily intake of up to 200 mg./day of Vitamin C. If a child consumes the recommended daily allowance of five servings of fresh fruit or vegetables per day, they would be in this recommended target range.

The bad news is that less than 20% of children or adults consume the recommended daily allowance of fruits or vegetables. Meeting the minimum RDA can be as simple as increasing the kinds of fruits and vegetables consumed each day.

Citrus fruits like strawberries, lemons and oranges are delicious sources of Vitamin C. Fresh squeezed orange juice, or a homemade strawberry milkshake are favorites with kids. Fresh squeezed lemonade on a hot summer day will provide a healthy thirst quencher.

Try this Strawberry Fluff Recipe


*16 oz. strawberries fresh or frozen

*1 pkg. colored marshmallows

*1 large tub of Cool Whip

*1/4-cup sugar


1. Cut up the strawberries

2. Mix with Cool Whip

3. Add sugar

4. Mix well

5. Stir in 1/2 to 3/4 package marshmallows

6. Refrigerate

There are other vegetables and fruits that contain high volumes of Vitamin C. An unlikely source of Vitamin C is broccoli and cauliflower. These nutrient rich vegetables provide over 45 mg. of Vitamin C in a ½ cup serving. Exotic but delicious fruits like papaya, mango or kiwi have high Vitamin C content. A slice of tomato provides 25 mg. of vitamin C.

The RDA recommendation provides the basic amount of Vitamin C that is needed to avoid a deficiency disease. But children have unique requirements for Vitamin C as they develop. A diet rich in Vitamin C offers a lot of health benefits for both children and adults.

Healthy Kids' Recipe with Vitamin C

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