Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Raw Food Recipes - Delicious breakfast cereals

!±8± Raw Food Recipes - Delicious breakfast cereals

Today I have a really delicious cereal that I say to myself several times a week. It 'amazing, and it's all raw. The reason why is because I want to share with you a lot of wheat out there, packaged and processing of cereals, even though they say they are healthy, they are really! If you look at the list of ingredients, which typically includes the ingredients gluctose-fructose or high fructose corn syrup corn, wheat, gluten, coloring, or any number of things thatYou do not want in your body. All these things cause irritation in the body and are not something you want to consume, especially on a daily basis.

If you see advertisements for a healthy cereal, I ask you really try to sell what they think. What I want to share with you today, how can a grain incredible, raw, and it is literally under 5 minutes to prepare to prepare. It 'full of Whole Foods, which will feed intoDay and have started the day in the best possible way. A lot of people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I'm not sure necessarily agree. Every meal is important. Your health is important.

This grain is rich in antioxidants, because the main ingredient is fresh berries. You definitely want to start the day with the best food possible, so as not to feel lazy and sleeps at work or school or wherever you are. My favorite combination isBlackberries, blueberries and raspberries. To prepare the corn, I started giving a few cups of washed berries in a bowl. Then, add a small handful of chopped walnuts. I think my nuts in the refrigerator or freezer, so that their omega-3-quality decrease over time. Next I add some hemp seeds, an exceptional source of protein. In a spoon, it's about 8 grams of protein. This is huge! So when someone throws that good 'ol question for you: "Where do you get yourProtein? "If you are vegan or vegetarian, tell them that you are eating cannabis seeds. Hemp seeds are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of hemp seed as above, or as much as you want .

Next, add a few sunflower seeds. I immerse in the rule for the quality of life for them and reduce the inhibitors, but if you forget them before the time of immersion, then it's okay. Throw in a couple of tablespoons of sunflower seeds.

Ground flax seeds area must. They are a great source of fiber, lignans, and again, omega-3 fatty acids. You can buy pre-ground, but to get the best seeds, simply drag any grinder. You can also use a little 'oil flaxseed for breakfast cereals. Once again it is a great source of omega-3. Good fats are important for our cardiovascular system and our brain health.

And now the secret ingredient: coconut. Coconut is another source of healthy fats amazing. The halfTriglycerides are amazing for fat loss and endurance during exercise. Coconuts have antibacterial properties as well. You will also need to satisfy your hunger a little 'more to keep it.

I recommend using rice milk or milk on cereal nut. You can make your mother's milk in the Vita-Mix no problem with some soaked nuts, water and sweetener. Do not worry about small pieces drain, just pour directly on the corn! Lately we have used milk banana. We throw a banana inBlender with some water and a drop of almond extract. It 'delicious "milk". Just think outside the box and come with many, many different types of milk, you can use. Not even me started on cow's milk. Just please, do not even bring it home!

Now you are free to pretty quickly, because this cereal is very filling. But the really nice thing of this cereal is that you can put in the fridge and eat it later, because it will not be mushy.

It is not necessarymust have a raw foodist to enjoy this amazing cereal. It 'full of high quality food and there is no sense, you do not want in your body, like every grain out put on the shelf. We berries, nuts, coconut, hemp, flax seed and olive oil, sunflower seeds, bananas and milk on our cereal nutritious. Mix and match what you want!

One thing is certain. If you want to lose weight or just feel comfortable and to maximize the energyexperience on a daily basis, raw foods and living will revolutionize your life, so give this cereal a try. It is dumping the old corn directly into the trash after!

Raw Food Recipes - Delicious breakfast cereals

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